The ongoing merge between Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs) and the Cloud computing paradigm provides a new environment fostering the integration of services located within company boundaries with those in the Cloud. An increasing number of organizations implement their business processes and applications via runtime composition of services made available in the Cloud by external suppliers. This scenario is changing the traditional view of security introducing new service security risks and threats, and requires re-thinking of current assurance, development, testing, and verification methodologies. In particular, security assurance in the cloud is becoming a pressing need to increase the confidence of the cloud actors that the cloud and its services are behaving as expected, and requires novel approaches addressing SOA and cloud peculiarities.

IWSAC 2014 is the continuation of the International Workshop on Securing Services on the Cloud, held in September 2011, Milan, Italy. It aims to address the security assurance issues related to the deployment of services in the Cloud, along with evaluating their impact on traditional security solutions for software and network systems.