Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA) are a way to organize and use distributed services that may be provided by different suppliers. SOA provides an infrastructure to offer, discover, interact with, and use capabilities to produce desired effects consistent with specified preconditions and requirements. This course describes SOA concepts and design principles, interoperability standards, runtime infrastructure and focuses on web services as an implementation technology for SOA.
Topics of interest include:
Given the focus on shared capabilities, SOA involves more than technology. Therefore, additional topics will include the impact of SOA on culture, organization, and governance.
Reti di Calcolatori
Web Technologies, XML, main Applicative Protocols.
The goal of this course is to introduce the concepts and design principles of SOA, the non-technical aspects such as governance, impact on culture and organization, as well as the various interoperability standards, technology infrastructure and security considerations associated with SOA implementations.
The examination consists in the presentation of a project or a seminar (70% of the mark) on a monographic subject agreed with the teacher. It is possible to work in group (up to 3 students). The evaluation is completed by a written test about the course program. The written examination is considered valid if the grade is >= 18/30.
Each grade for examinations and projects are valid for one year.