Reti di Calcolatori

The first part of the course of Computer Networks (Reti di Calcolatori, assimilable to the old course Reti di Telecomunicazione), examines the net protocols and systems, focusing on the net and transport protocols (IP), the application protocol and the systems based on the web. The second part concentrates on Distributed Programming (Socket and RPC).
The examination consists in the presentation of an optional project (max 3 people group) and two written test (replaceable with an oral examination only in case of URGENT and DOCUMENTED reasons). the project could be chosen in the following list, or proposed by students basing on his interests and experiences. The project will be illustrated to the teachers, making a date at, CC,, and

Integrated Multiprotocol Network Emulator/Simulator General purpose IP network emulation/simulation tool for FreeBSD and Linux.
[Source code]
Important: you have to enroll to the examination via SIFA

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