JDEM Meeting 4

July 26, 2017, Wednesday- Incheon University (Korea)

The principal goal of the meeting is the discussion on milestone 1 achievements about state of the art of demosaicking and denoising.

9:00~9:30 Opening

9:30~10:30 JDEM Status part 1

10:30~10:45 Coffee break

10:45~12:45 JDEM Status part 2

12:45~14:00 Coffee break

14:00~16:00 JDEM Discussion on future works

16:00~16:30 Closing and planning for the next meeting in Italy


Italian Participants:


  • Marco Anisetti


Korean Participants:


  • Gwanggil Jeon
  • Youngchae Chang
  • Gyuduk Park
  • Dogeon Kim
  • Kang Sung-wook
  • Guo Zhishuai


Meeting photos: