THREAT-ARREST aims to develop an advanced training platform incorporating emulation, simulation, serious gaming and visualization capabilities to adequately prepare stakeholders with different types of responsibility and levels of expertise in defending high-risk cyber systems and organizations to counter advanced, known and new cyber-attacks. The THREAT-ARREST platform will deliver security training, based on a model driven approach where cyber threat and training preparation (CTTP) models, specifying the potential attacks, the security controls of cyber systems against them, and the tools that may be used to assess the effectiveness of these controls, will drive the training process, and align it (where possible) with operational cyber system security assurance mechanisms to ensure the relevance of training. The platform will also support trainee performance evaluation and training programme evaluation and adapt training programmes based on them. The effectiveness of the framework will be validated using a prototype implementation interconnected with real cyber systems pilots in the areas of smart energy, healthcare and shipping, and from technical, legal and business perspectives.