Corrado Mio

Short Bio

Dr Corrado Mio has obtained the MSc in Computer Science from Università degli studi di Udine (Italy) in 1993 with recognition in its list of Best Graduated 1993-1994. He has received the PhD in Computer Science from Università degli studi di Milano (Italy) in 2020 with a research in Game Theory applied to Semi Supervised Learning and Multi View Learning. From 1993 to 2013 he worked in the R&D department in several companies as software developer/ architect and team leader where he has acquired experience in software development and implementation of complex software architectures. He has strong experience in all main programming languages, paradigms and platforms. He has also strong experience in parallel and distributed programming, real-time and fault-tolerant applications, back-end and front-end applications. From 2013 to 2016 Dr Mio worked in Joint Research Centre (Ispra, Italy) where he implemented Computer Graphics algorithms to realize solar radiation models.

During the PhD program, from 2016 to 2020, Dr. Mio written several peer-reviewed articles, published in international journals and conferences, and worked as visiting scholar and visiting researcher in EBTIC laboratory (Khalifa University, UAE) where he was responsible for the laboratory of Machine Learning courses. He worked also on several data analysis projects and collaborated with the SPL team.

His preferred interests are in area of Machine Learning applied to Software Developments and graph architectures, NLP, massive parallel and distributed algorithms, Computer Graphics.