Il Consiglio Direttivo del Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l’Informatica (CINI) ha eletto nella riunione del 3 maggio 2019 Ernesto Damiani quale Presidente del Consorzio, con il compito di rappresentare il CINI in tutte le sedi e di sovraintenderne l’attività. Il Consorzio CINI, che è da oltre vent’anni la “think tank” della comunità scientifica sulla ricerca, […]
Interview with Ernesto Damiani, blockchain expert for the Italian Ministry of Economic Development on Fintastico.com, one of the major hub in the Fintech community. https://www.fintastico.com/blog/interview-ernesto-damiani-blockchain-expert
The paper “Analysing Neural Network Topologies: a Game Theoretic Approach”, co-authored by Michael Granitzer, Gabriele Gianini, Konstantin Ziegler, won the Best Research Paper Award at the 22nd International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems 2018 in Belgrade, Serbia, 3-5 September 2018. Congratulations to the authors!
Ernesto Damiani has been nominated by the Minister of Economic Development (MISE) as part of the expert group on Blockchain and Distributed Ledgers, appointed to drive the upcoming national policies on blockchain. The local newspaper Libertà interviewed him on that subject. The article is available here.
Mohammed bin Rashid receives the Emirates Scholars Council and members of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Academy for Scholars. Ernesto Damiani participated as Leader of the Information Security Center, Khalifa University of Science Technology & Research, as well as the Enterprise Area at Etisalat British telecom Innovation Center (EBTIC).
Ernesto Damiani and Antonio Manzalini published an article titled “Artificial Intelligence Empowering The Digital Transformation” on the Notiziario Tecnico TIM, the official review of TelecomItalia. In the article, they explore the role of Artificial Intelligence in the evolution of Telecommunications infrastructures towards Future Networks and 5G. You can find the full article on the […]
Our project “A Decision Support System for Deploying AI Models in the Oil and Gas Industry” (Pi: Ernesto Damiani, co-pi: Gabriele Gianini) was selected by the international RDPETRO jury. The TOREADOR methodology provides good foundations for attacking crucial vertical domains! https://rdpetro.org/
Ernesto Damiani has been invited to give a speech at the Cyber Security event organized by Nova24, part of the Sole 24 Ore Group. The talk will focus on Assurance, Monitoring, and Security Certification of Production Systems. More information can be found on the Nova24 website.
Ernesto Damiani has been invited to give a talk at the Statistical Challenges in Big Data & Complex Systems meeting, satellite event of the annual conference of the The CLAssification and Data Analysis Group (CLADAG) of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS). In this talk Ernesto described the TOREADOR approach to Model-based Big Data Analytics and […]
Ernesto Damiani has been invited to give a talk at the “Banche e Sicurezza 2017” forum organized by the Italian Bankers Association (ABI). His talk was focused on the relation between Big Data Analytics and security in the Credit and Finance system, and the possibility to exploit BDA as a countermeasure and a new way […]
Prof. Rasool Asal is Chief Researcher at British Telecommunications Research and Innovation, UK and heads up BT cloud security research team at the EBTIC innovation centre in the United Arab Emirates. And now, he’s been appointed as an industrial visiting professor for the university. It follows a five-year collaboration with the SESAR Lab on research […]
Ernesto Damiani has been invited at the National Arab University of Security Science (NAUSS) in Riyadh, discussing security strategies in the GCC area and in the Arab world.
Ernesto Damiani has been interviewed by Sky News Arabia, speaking on the future of Quantum Computing technologies and their impact on computer science.
Ernesto Damiani held a keynote on “Controlling Leakage and Disclosure Risk in Semantic Big Data pipelines” at the Ernesto Damiani @ 13th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), Heraklion. In many Big Data environments, information is made available as huge data streams, collected and analyzed at different locations, asynchronously and under the responsibility of different authorities. It […]
Ernesto Damiani has been invited as speaker at the 3rd ESA International Security Symposium to describe the activities of our SESAR Lab in producing the ENISA report on Big Data Threats. The Symposium will focus on how challenges related to security of Big Data – access, analysis, capture, data management and integration, search, sharing, storage, transfer, visualisation, querying, updating – impact […]
Ernesto Damiani will be Panelist and Speaker at Cyber Resilience & InfoSec 2017 in Abu Dhabi, 6th -7th February 2017. The event combines all the latest regional and international updates, case studies of recent security deployments and ideas for more effective Cyber Security strategy, together with insightful discussion between like-minded peers. For more information https://fleming.events/en/events/security/cyber-resilience-infosec.
Ernesto Damiani gave a keynote at the 3rd International Winter School on Big Data (BigDat 2017), titled “Model-driven Development of Big Data Applications”. The school has been organized from the 13th to the 17th of February, 2017, at the University of Bari. The advent of Big Data has highlighted a number of problems in the design, development […]
On November 30th, 2016, Ernesto Damiani has been awarded by the Ph.D. honoris causa by the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (Lyon, France). The ceremony has been held during the Journée Big Data (Big Data Day), where Ernesto gave a talk on “Big Data: Opportunities and societal issues”. In the morning, the IRIXIS Lab, founded by […]
Pay with a Selfie, the Gates Foundation project by University of Khalifa and SESAR Lab, that plan to use visual cryptography to support mobile digital payments, starts deployment in Benin. First demo of the project. http://sesar.di.unimi.it/iwsac2015/PGS_demo.avi
Ernesto Damiani gave a keynote at ESORICS 2016 titled “Controlling Leakage and Disclosure Risk in Big Data applications“. In Big Data environments, information is made available as huge data sets or streams, collected and analyzed at different locations, asynchronously and under the responsibility of different authorities. It has become common for such […]